1. Personal info
- Your first name:
- Age:
- Country:
2. About your character:
- Server:
- Character name:
- Class:
- How long have you had your current character?:
- Armory profile of the character you are applying with:
- Armory profile of any other of your characters worth mentioning (optional):
- Do you have any issues with respeccing upon request/guild needs?:
3. Tech stuff (if you're not sure what to answer, just keep the answer field blank)
- Do you have a stable connection:
- CPU & GPU:
- What is your most favorite addon, why?:
- Do you have an authenticator:
4. Experience:
- How long have you been playing WoW:
- Previous raid experience: (running back at higher lvl doesn't count)
- MoP:
- Cataclysm:
- WotLK:
- TBC:
- Vanilla:
5. Raiding information:
- Do you have TS3 and a working mic:
- Are you able to raid on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Mondays 20:00 to 23:30:
- Would you be happy if we decided to go some old content one evening instead of current raids:
- Raiding usually involves many hours of wipes, are you prepared for this?:
6. Additional information:
- Reason you want to join the forces of Progress:
- Do you know any members of Progress? If so, how:
- Will you be able to keep your character up to date with class/stat changes if they happen:
- What do you feel you can contribute with in a raiding guild:
- How do you prepare for new content:
- What do you expect from our guild: